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Moon Elizabeth,The legacy of gird   Moon Elizabeth The legacy of gird Baen, 1990 poche, état correct 3€
    Wilson Colin The mind parasites granada, 1980 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Brooks Terry,The elf queen of shannara   Brooks Terry The elf queen of shannara legend, 1993 poche, état correct 4€
Spielberg Steven,Close encounters of third kind   Spielberg Steven Close encounters of third kind Dell, 1977 poche, état correct 18€
Clarke Arthur C.,The ghost from the grand banks   Clarke Arthur C. The ghost from the grand banks orbit, 1999 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Clarke Arthur C. & Lee Gentry,Rama 2   Clarke Arthur C. & Lee Gentry Rama 2 orbit, 1999 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Mckinley Robin,The outlaws of sherwood   Mckinley Robin The outlaws of sherwood ace books, 1989 poche, état correct 3€
    Willis Connie Uncharted territory Bantam, 1994 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Perry Steve & Dal,Titan A.E.   Perry Steve & Dal Titan A.E. Ace, 2000 poche, état correct 3€
Blaylock James P.,Night relics   Blaylock James P. Night relics Harper & Collins, 1994 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Silverberg Robert ,Lord Valentine's castle   Silverberg Robert Lord Valentine's castle Pan, 1981 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Tilley Patrick,The amtrak wars 1 - Cloud warrior   Tilley Patrick The amtrak wars 1 - Cloud warrior Sphere, 1983 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Eddings David & Leigh Belgarath the sorcerer Del Rey, 1996 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Lloyd Biggle Junior ,All the colours of darkness   Lloyd Biggle Junior All the colours of darkness penguin, 1966 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Home-gall Edward R.,The human Bat V The robot gangster   Home-gall Edward R. The human Bat V The robot gangster Mark Goulden, sans date poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Robinson Kim Stanley,Forty signs of rain   Robinson Kim Stanley Forty signs of rain Bantam, 2005 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Boccacio Giovanni The decameron oxford, 1993 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Anderson Kevin J. Of fire and night Pocket books, 2007 poche, état correct 4€
    Weis Margaret & Hickman Tracy Kender, Gully Dwarves and gnomes penguin, dragonlance, 1988 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Silverberg Robert Hawksbill station Star books, 1982 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Garner Alan The weirdstone of brisingamen Armada Lion, 1971 poche, état correct 5€
    Gemmell David Legend orbit, 2006 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Gemmell David Waylander 2 orbit, 2007 poche, état correct 4,5€
    Card Orson Scott The Tales of Alvin Maker 5 - Heartfire Orbit, 2003 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Hobb Robin Assassin's apprentice Harper, 2007 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Hobb Robin Assassin's quest Harper, 2007 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Franklin Cheryl J. Fire Lord Daw, 1989 poche, état correct 4€
    Wyndham John The Chrysalids penguin, 1980 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Dahl Roald Someone like you penguin, 1986 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Rawn Melanie Skybowl Pan, 1993 poche, état correct 5€

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