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    Hobb Robin Assassin's apprentice bantam, 1996 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Hobb Robin,Assassin's quest   Hobb Robin Assassin's quest bantam, 1998 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Hobb Robin,Ship of magic   Hobb Robin Ship of magic bantam, 1999 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Goodkind Terry The pillar of creation TOR, 2002 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Goodkind Terry Naked empire TOR, 2004 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Elliott Kate,An earthly crown   Elliott Kate An earthly crown Daw, 1993 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Franklin Cheryl J.,The light in exile   Franklin Cheryl J. The light in exile Daw, 1990 poche, état correct 4€
Franklin Cheryl J.,Fire get   Franklin Cheryl J. Fire get Daw, 1987 poche, état correct 3€
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 07 - A crown of swords   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 07 - A crown of swords Tor, 1997 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 06 - Lord of chaos   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 06 - Lord of chaos orbit, 1997 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Jordan Robert The wheel of time 03 - The dragon reborn Tor, 1992 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Jordan Robert The wheel of time 02 - The great hunt orbit, 1997 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Feist Raymond E.,magician 2 - Master   Feist Raymond E. magician 2 - Master Bantam, 1994 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Tarr Judith,Alamut   Tarr Judith Alamut Bantam, 1990 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Kurtz Katherine Lammas night ballantine books, 1990 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Lackey Mercedes & Shepherd Mark,Wheels of fire   Lackey Mercedes & Shepherd Mark Wheels of fire Baen, 1992 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Ingrid Charles,Celestial hit list   Ingrid Charles Celestial hit list Daw, 1988 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Mccaffrey Anne,Decision at doona   Mccaffrey Anne Decision at doona corgi books, 1987 poche, état correct 3€
Mccaffrey Anne & Nye Jody Lynn,Crisis on Doona   Mccaffrey Anne & Nye Jody Lynn Crisis on Doona Ace, 1992 poche, état correct 3€
Mccaffrey Anne & Nye Jody Lynn,Treaty planet   Mccaffrey Anne & Nye Jody Lynn Treaty planet Orbit, 1994 poche, état correct 3,5€
Harris Deborah Turner,Caledon of the mists   Harris Deborah Turner Caledon of the mists Ace, 1994 poche, état correct 3€
    Feist Raymond E. The riftwar saga 4 - A darkness at sethanon bantam, 1987 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Feist Raymond E. & Wurts Janny,Mistress of the empire   Feist Raymond E. & Wurts Janny Mistress of the empire grafton, 1992 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Elliott Kate Jaran Daw, 1992 poche, état correct 3€
    Feist Raymond E. The riftwar saga 3 - Silverthorn bantam, 1989 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Sherwood Smith & Trowbridge Dave,The phoenix in flight   Sherwood Smith & Trowbridge Dave The phoenix in flight Tor, 1993 poche, état correct 3€
Meluch R.m.,War birds   Meluch R.m. War birds signet, 1989 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Roberson Jennifer,A tapestry of lions   Roberson Jennifer A tapestry of lions Daw, 1992 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Feist Raymond E. magician 1 - Apprentice bantam, 1986 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Friesner Esther,Demon blues   Friesner Esther Demon blues Orbit, 1991 poche, état correct N/A Ind.

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