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    Hatfield James & Burt George "doc" The unauthorized X-files challenge kensington books, 1996 grand format, très bon état 10€
    Collectif The unexpected Pyramid books, 1961 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Budrys Algis The unexpected dimension panther, 1964 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
    Wolfe Gene The urth of the new sun Tor, 1988 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Moorcock Michael,The vanishing tower   Moorcock Michael The vanishing tower panther, 1983 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
    Saberhagen Fred The veils of azlaroc ace books, 1981 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Moorcock Michael The war lord of the Air Orbit, 1971 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Wells H.g. The war of the worlds Penguin, 2012 Poche, livre neuf 9,9€ Ind.
Moorcock Michael,The weird of the white wolf   Moorcock Michael The weird of the white wolf panther, 1985 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
    Garner Alan The weirdstone of brisingamen Armada Lion, 1971 poche, état correct 5€
    Irvine Ian The well of echoes 1 - Geomancer orbit, 2004 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
    Jordan Robert The wheel of time 02 - The great hunt orbit, 1997 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Jordan Robert The wheel of time 03 - The dragon reborn Tor, 1992 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 04 - Shadow rising   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 04 - Shadow rising Tor, 1993 poche, état moyen N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 05 - The fires of heaven   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 05 - The fires of heaven orbit, 1997 poche, état moyen N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 06 - Lord of chaos   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 06 - Lord of chaos orbit, 1997 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 07 - A crown of swords   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 07 - A crown of swords Tor, 1997 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 07 - A crown of swords   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 07 - A crown of swords orbit, 2002 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 07 - A crown of swords   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 07 - A crown of swords Tor, 1996 grand format, bon état N/A Ind.
    Jordan Robert The wheel of time 08 - The path of daggers orbit, 1998 grand format, bon état 10€
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 08 - The path of daggers   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 08 - The path of daggers Tor, 1999 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 08 - The path of daggers   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 08 - The path of daggers Tor, 1998 grand format, bon état N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 09 - Winter's heart   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 09 - Winter's heart Tor, 2000 grand format, bon état N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert,The wheel of time 10 - Crossroads of twilight   Jordan Robert The wheel of time 10 - Crossroads of twilight Tor, 2003 grand format, bon état N/A Ind.
Jordan Robert & Sanderson Brandon,The wheel of time 12 - The gathering Storm   Jordan Robert & Sanderson Brandon The wheel of time 12 - The gathering Storm orbit, 2009 grand format, bon état N/A Ind.
    Jordan Robert The wheel of time 12 - The gathering storm Orbit, 2010 grand format, livre neuf 12,9€
    Mccaffrey Anne The white dragon corgi books, 1988 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Lackey Mercedes & Dixon Larry The white gryphon Daw, 1996 poche, état très correct 3€
Chadwick Elizabeth,The wild hunt   Chadwick Elizabeth The wild hunt Signet, 1993 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Metz Melinda The wild one pocket pulse, collection roswell, 1999 poche, état très correct 2€

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