Livres en Anglais

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    May Julian The saga of the exiles 3 - The non born king Pan, 1984 poche, état correct 3€
    Cook Hugh Lord of the sword Roc, 1991 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Daley Brian,Han Solo and the lost legacy   Daley Brian Han Solo and the lost legacy Del Rey, 1980 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
Daley Brian,Han Solo at stars'end   Daley Brian Han Solo at stars'end Del Rey, 1979 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
Allston Aaron,Legacy of the Force 7 - Fury   Allston Aaron Legacy of the Force 7 - Fury Del Rey, 2007 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Allston Aaron,Legacy of the Force 4 - Exile   Allston Aaron Legacy of the Force 4 - Exile Del Rey, 2007 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
Traviss Karen,Legacy of the force 8 - Revelation   Traviss Karen Legacy of the force 8 - Revelation Del Rey, 2008 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Traviss Karen,Legacy of the force 5 - Sacrifice   Traviss Karen Legacy of the force 5 - Sacrifice Del Rey, 2008 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
Traviss Karen,Legacy of the force 2 - Bloodlines   Traviss Karen Legacy of the force 2 - Bloodlines Del Rey, 2006 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Denning Troy,Legacy of the force 9 - Invincible   Denning Troy Legacy of the force 9 - Invincible Del Rey, 2008 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
Denning Troy,Legacy of the force 6 - Inferno   Denning Troy Legacy of the force 6 - Inferno Del Rey, 2007 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
Denning Troy,Legacy of the force 3 - Tempest   Denning Troy Legacy of the force 3 - Tempest Del Rey, 2006 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
Crispin Ann C.,The Han solo trilogy 2 - The hutt gambit   Crispin Ann C. The Han solo trilogy 2 - The hutt gambit Bantam, 1997 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
Crispin Ann C.,The Han solo trilogy 1 - The paradise snare   Crispin Ann C. The Han solo trilogy 1 - The paradise snare Bantam, 1997 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
Zahn Timothy,Outbound Flight   Zahn Timothy Outbound Flight Arrow, 2007 poche, état très correct N/A Ind.
Smith Wilbur,Warlock   Smith Wilbur Warlock Pan books, 2001 Poche, état moyen 3€
Greenwood Ed,Spellfire   Greenwood Ed Spellfire Penguin Book, collection Forgotten Realms, 1989 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Pratchett Terry,The Discworld 36 - Making Money   Pratchett Terry The Discworld 36 - Making Money Corgi Books, 2008 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Pratchett Terry,The Dark Side of the Sun   Pratchett Terry The Dark Side of the Sun Corgi Books, 1998 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Holdstock Robert Where Time Winds Blow Pan, 1982 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Abbey Lynn,Chronicle of Athas 1 - The brazen gambit   Abbey Lynn Chronicle of Athas 1 - The brazen gambit TSR, Dark Sun, 1994 poche, état très correct 3,5€
    Crichton Michael Congo random house, collection arow, 1993 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
    Stoker Bram Dracula penguin, 1994 poche, très bon état N/A Ind.
    Hobb Robin Mad ship bantam, 2000 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
Mccaffrey Anne & Nye Jody Lynn,Treaty planet   Mccaffrey Anne & Nye Jody Lynn Treaty planet Orbit, 1994 poche, état correct 3,5€
Wilson Robert Charles,Julian Comstock. A story of 22nd century america   Wilson Robert Charles Julian Comstock. A story of 22nd century america Tor, 2010 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Bester Alfred,The stars my destination 1   Bester Alfred The stars my destination 1 baronet book, 1979 album, très bon état 30€
Poe Edgar Allan,The poems of Edgar Allan Poe   Poe Edgar Allan The poems of Edgar Allan Poe Thomas Ollive Mabbott, 1980 grand format, état correct N/A Ind.
Ciruelo,Luz, The Art of Ciruelo   Ciruelo Luz, The Art of Ciruelo DAC editions, 2003 album, bon état N/A Ind.
Collectif,earthdawn - Sky point adventures   Collectif earthdawn - Sky point adventures fasa, 1995 album, état très correct 30€

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