Livres en Anglais

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    May Julian The saga of the exiles 1, 2, 3 & 4 - The many coloured land ; The golden torc ; The non born king & The adversery Pan,1983 à 1984 poches, état moyen N/A Ind.
    May Julian The saga of the exiles 3 - The non born king Pan, 1984 poche, état correct 3€
Mcavoy R. A.,Damiano   Mcavoy R. A. Damiano Bantam, 1989 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
Mcavoy R. A.,Damiano's lute   Mcavoy R. A. Damiano's lute Bantam, 1988 poche, bon état 3€
Mcavoy R. A.,Lens of the world   Mcavoy R. A. Lens of the world headline, 1992 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Mcavoy R. A.,Winter of the wolf   Mcavoy R. A. Winter of the wolf headline, 1993 poche, état correct 8,5€
    Mccaffrey Anne Crystal line Del Rey, 1993 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne Damia corgi books, 1993 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne Damia's children corgi books, 1994 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Mccaffrey Anne,Decision at doona   Mccaffrey Anne Decision at doona Del Rey Books, 1978 poche, état correct 3€
    Mccaffrey Anne Dinosaur planet Orbit, 1978 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Mccaffrey Anne,Dragondrums   Mccaffrey Anne Dragondrums corgi books, 1987 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne Dragonsinger spectra, 1986 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne Dragonsong Bantam books, 1978 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne Killashandra Del Rey, 1986 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne Lyon's pride corgi books, 1994 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne Pegasus in flight corgi books, 1991 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne Pegasus in flight Del Rey, 1991 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Mccaffrey Anne,The coelura   Mccaffrey Anne The coelura TDR, 1989 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne The rowan corgi books, 1991 poche, état correct 3€
    Mccaffrey Anne The ship who sang corgi books, 1986 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne The white dragon corgi books, 1988 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne The withe dragon Del Rey Books, 1979 poche, état moyen N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne The masterharper of pern corgi books, 1999 poche, bon état N/A Ind.
Mccaffrey Anne,Decision at doona   Mccaffrey Anne Decision at doona corgi books, 1987 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne Dragonquest corgi books, 1987 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne The renegades of pern corgi books, 1990 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
Mccaffrey Anne,The tower and the hive   Mccaffrey Anne The tower and the hive corgi books, 2000 poche, état très correct 4€
    Mccaffrey Anne & Ball Margaret Partnership Baen, 1992 poche, état correct N/A Ind.
    Mccaffrey Anne & Lackey Mercedes The ship who searched Baen, 1992 poche, état correct N/A Ind.

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